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The Krupic Lab Publications

Repix: reliable, reusable, versatile chronic Neuropixels implants using minimal components. eLife (2024)

Horan M., Register D., Mazuski C., Jahans-Price T., Bailey S., Thompson E., Slonina Z., Plattner V., Menichini E., Toksöz I., Romero S., Burrell P.M., Varsavsky I., Dalgleish H.W.P., Bimbard C., Lebedeva A., Bauza B., Cacucci F., Wills T., Akrami A., Krupic J., Stephenson-Jones M., Barry C., Burgess N., O’Keefe J., Isogai Y.

Variational log-Gaussian point-process methods for grid cells. Hippocampus (12) 33, (2023)

Rule ME, Chaudhuri-Vayalambrone P, Krstulovic M, Bauza M, Krupic J, O'Leary T.

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